Connective Solutions - funded by Pepper Money - is for clients who don’t fit the typical lender profile.

Sometimes getting the right home loan can be a challenge, especially if your clients have been knocked back by the banks, have a blemish on their credit report, are self-employed or don’t have up-to-date tax returns. Whatever their circumstances, Connective Solutions takes a personal approach to their home loan, commercial loan or SMSF borrowing requirements.

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Connective Solutions Customer Profile

Owner occupied, Investment, company and trust borrowers considered
Prime, Near Prime, Specialist & Specialist+
Seeking 100% offset & flexibility
Seeking quick decisions and fast turnaround times
Purchase, refinance or equity release of residential and commercial properties and SMSF investors
Seeking higher LVRs and unique offerings

Key Niches


  • No credit scoring or DTI assessment
  • 1% servicing buffer for applicable refinances, fixed rate loans and investment purchases
  • Full Doc up to 95% LVR and Alt Doc up to 90% LVR
  • Unlimited credit impairment and 1 day discharge bankrupts
  • Alt doc options including accountants’ letter up to $2.5m loan sizes
  • 6 months ABN borrowers accepted
  • Unlimited cash out including for business purpose
  • 95% LVR refinances and debt consolidation


  • Loans available up to $5 million
  • Up to 80% LVR for both Full Doc and Alt Doc
  • Market leading SLA – Conditional approval issued within 3 days for loan sizes up to $1.5M or 5 days for loan sizes greater than $1.5M
  • Single income verification for Prime
  • Guarantees from Directors only

  • Refinance personal, business and tax debts

  • 100% offset sub accounts and loan splits
  • No clawbacks


  • Residential and Commercial
  • Max loan amount up to $3 million
  • Up to 80% LVR for Residential security and 75% LVR for commercial security
  • Prime and Near Prime options available for Directors with credit impairment
  • No liquidity test

  • Redraw available (for SIS Act compliance purposes)

  • No clawbacks

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Residential Loan Products

Prime Residential

Residential lending solutions for PAYG, Self Employed, Company, and Trust customers.
Purchase, refinance of Owner Occupied or Investment properties

Full Doc Product Features

  • Up to 95% LVR available, no LMI for OO below 85% LVR
  • 30 year loan term
  • Debt consolidation up to 4 debts plus mortgage
  • 1% loading for investment purchases and debt consolidation
  • Unlimited cash out for personal and investment use
  • OFI mortgages service at actual plus .25% loading
  • No notional rent - if living rent free
  • Financial statements accepted in lieu of tax returns

Alt Doc Product Features

  • Up to 85% LVR for purchases, LPF/MRF is applicable above 70% LVR
  • 30 year loan term
  • Unlimited cash out for personal and investment use
  • 1 form of income verification
  • ABN for 24 months and GST for 12 months
  • Business debts excluded for self-employed
  • Trading and non-trading borrower accepted

Near Prime

Connective Solutions provides residential loans for clients who don't meet standard lending criteria

Full Doc Product Features

  • Unlimited cash out for acceptable purpose
  • 1 day discharged bankrupt part IX or part X accepted
  • Defaults under $3,000 ignored or more than 2 years old
  • Debt consolidation for unlimited number of debts
  • Refinance of personal business and tax debt
  • Short term employment considered
  • No age restrictions on FTB and child support
  • 40 year loan term available
  • 2 years financial statements accepted

Alt Doc Product Features

  • Accountants letter accepted up to $2,500,000
  • Unlimited cash out for acceptable purpose
  • 40 year loan term available
  • Defaults under $3,000 ignored or > 2 years old
  • Debt consolidation for unlimited number of debts, including tax debt
  • 1 form of income verification required
  • ABNs from 12 months considered (clear credit)

Near Prime Clear

Connective Solutions provides residential loans for clients who don't meet standard lending criteria, with slight blemishes

Full Doc Product Features

  • Payment of tax and business debts
  • Short term employment considered
  • 40 year loan terms available
  • No age restrictions on FTB
  • Defaults up to 1k considered
  • Late payments on unsecured debts with max RHI (1) across the last 3 months
  • 1 years financial statement accepted
  • Unlimited cash out for business or personal use

Alt Doc Product Features

  • Accountants letter accepted up to $2,500,000
  • 90% LVR available
  • Unlimited cash out for acceptable purpose
  • 40 year loan term available
  • Defaults under $1,000 ignored or > 2 years old
  • Debt consolidation for unlimited number of debts, including tax debt
  • 1 form of income verification required

Specialist and Specialist+

Connective Solutions provides residential loans for clients who have unique circumstances or have experienced a recent life event

Full Doc Product Features

  • Unlimited defaults, judgements and writs to $1000 ignored over 12 months (Specialist) and under 12 months (Specialist+)
  • 1 day discharged bankrupt part IX or part X accepted
  • Up to 1 month mortgage arrears (Specialist) unlimited within last 6 months (Specialist+)
  • All adverse RHI conduct considered
  • Unlimited cash out for acceptable purpose

Alt Doc Product Features

  • ABNs from 6 months considered
  • Unlimited defaults, judgements and writs to $1000 ignored over 12 months (Specialist) and under 12 months (Specialist+)
  • 1 day discharged bankrupt part IX or part X accepted
  • Up to 1 month mortgage arrears (Specialist) unlimited within last 6 months (Specialist+)
  • Jumbo loans up to $5,000,000 considered if clear credit
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Commercial Loan Products


Purchase or refinance of Commercial properties.

Full Doc Product Features

  • 80% LVR available
  • Unlimited cash out
  • Debt consolidation up to 4 debts
  • 30 year term P&I or IO ( 5 year max)
  • Financial statements accepted in lieu of tax returns

Alt Doc Product Features

  • 80% LVR available
  • Unlimited cash out
  • Debt consolidation up to 4 debts
  • 1 form of income verification
  • ABN for 24 months AND GST for 12 months or stat dec plus BAS or BBS or accountants letter
  • 30 year term P&I or IO ( 5 year max)

Near Prime

Purchase and refinance of Commercial properties for clients who don't meet standard lending criteria.

Full Doc Product Features

  • Max loan size $3,000,000
  • Unlimited debt consolidation
  • Unlimited defaults, judgements and writs to $1000 ignored or over 24 months
  • Discharge from bankruptcover 24 months accepted
  • Non-mortgage arrears considered
  • 1 years financials accepted

Alt Doc Product Features

  • Max loan size $3,000,000
  • Unlimited debt consolidation
  • Unlimited defaults, judgements and writs to $1000 ignored or over 24 months
  • Discharge from bankruptcover 24 months accepted
  • Non-mortgage arrears considered
  • 1 form of income verification
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SMSF Loan Products


Available to Corporate Trustees, with an existing complying SMSF or are in the process of establishing an SMSF, and wish to:
- Purchase a property for investment purposes (third party tenancy) or owner-occupied purposes (associated trading business)
- Refinance a current SMSF Loan

Full Doc Product Features

  • Residential and Commercial securities
  • Loans from $100,000 to $3,000,000
  • Up to 30-year loan terms
  • Up to 5 years Interest Only
  • Up to 80% LVR for Residential and up to 75% LVR for Commercial
  • Redraw available
  • No clawback for early payout
  • No liquidity test
  • Digital submission via ApplyOnline
  • 1 day SLA for digital applications

Near Prime

Available to Corporate Trustees, with an existing complying SMSF or are in the process of establishing an SMSF, and wish to:
- Purchase a property for investment purposes (third party tenancy) or owner-occupied purposes (associated trading business)
- Refinance a current SMSF Loan

Full Doc Product Features

  • All features apply as per Prime SMSF with the addition of:
  • Defaults under $1,000 ignored or > 2 years old
  • Up to 3 months non-mortgage arrears(within the last 3 months)
  • Discharged from bankruptcy (> 24 months) accepted
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Additional Resources

View the latest rate card, fees and charges and other relevant resources in the Research app in Mercury Nexus
Mercury Nexus