Connective Affinity For clients who want a fast, straightforward, fully featured digital home loan.
Fully integrated assessment engine into Mercury Nexus where your client’s application is assessed in real-time and approval determined within minutes
Complete a full application and receive approval without leaving Mercury Nexus. Fully digital process end-to-end
No fees at any time during the term of the loan
Purchases and refinance available up to 80% LVR
Fully featured: 100% Offset sub-account with no fees, mobile app and instant payments
PAYG clients only, no self-employed
Min household income of $100k
Max Loan amount $2.5m and one loan/property per client
Cash out up to $200k. No debt consolidation
Max $5M total exposure
Loan types available for Owner Occupier and Investor. Principal and Interest and Interest Only available
Up to 4 units on one title
Connective Elevate For clients who want flexible home loan options, from prime through to specialist.
100% offset account – no fees multiple splits
Do not credit score, no CCR or DTI-Assessment completed
90% LVR, no risk fee or LMI for Prime product only - Metro Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne (check postcode locator)
Up to 85% LVR no risk fee or LMI for Owner Occupied and Investor Prime product only in remaining areas (check postcode locator)
Will accept 12 months financials for Near Prime product
Prime Alt Doc (24 months ABN 12 months GST) 2 of the 3 forms of verification, Accountants dec, 6 months BAS or 6 months Business Bank statements. Near Prime Alt Doc (12 months ABN 1 day GST) 1 of the 3 forms above for income verification.
Self-employed: if leases are in the company or trust name, you do not have to expense them. Can add back depreciation to 50% of the net profit. All Director fees can be added back to increase net profit
Can refinance business debt at home loan rates, and can refinance tax debt (Near Prime)
HEM is calculated off a lower overall income where rental income is included. Investment property costs are included in HEM
Path to Prime, rate review annually for Prime, Near Prime and Bi-annually for Specialist
Repayments on home loans can be late. If made up within 14 days, we consider on time and can be Prime
Fully assessed Pre-Approvals
Connective Essentials For clients who want a simple and straightforward home loan.
No minimum employment term for permanent full-time and part-time applicants. Probation accepted. 1 payslip with 2 pay cycles
Cash out unlimited when NO LMI is used. Only requires stated purpose of funds
Self-employed can use directors declared wages for servicing. Evidenced via last 2 years tax returns and latest Assessment notice
1 year financials for self-employed can now be used for servicing. Talk to your Essentials BDM for criteria
The 3 C’s: Casual, Contract and Commissions, min 6 months in role
Property sizes considered to 240 acres up to 80% LVR and 120 acres for LMI up to 90% LVR (Residential use only)
5% Genuine Savings only required when LVR > 90% + LMI
95% LVR on vacant land – when converted to construction loan must be total loan at 90% LVR
Statements not required for debts not being refinanced e.g. Credit Card, and any loan statements
No annual or ongoing fees, free upfront valuations, no construction progress payment fees
Pre-approvals fully assessed when self-employed applicant > 80% PAYG
Digital mortgage documents available (complete end-to-end digital process)
Connective Select For clients who want a premium home loan with broad features.
1 year’s financials for self-employed applications that do not require LMI. (talk to BDM about supporting docs)
Self-employed - net profits used. No need to expense company liabilities unless adding backs
100% offset available against fixed rates as well as standard variable rates
Fixed rate is locked in once formally approved (with no fee payable)
Use CCR to determine repayment history
Only need 1 months Declared Living Expenses bank statement
Up to 10 units on title for established dwellings. Max 65% LVR for 4+ units or dwellings on 1 title
Up to 90% LVR on construction loans – max 3 units on 1 title
Non-residents accepted when joint applicants with AU residency
Fully assessed pre-approvals and now Digi Docs for settlements
No annual fees, one free valuation up to $300 per application
Joint debt – 100% debt and 100% rental
Connective Solutions For clients who want a tailored solution as they may not fit typical lending criteria.
No credit scoring, or DTI assessment completed
Unlimited cash out to 80% LVR (Prime) including business purpose (Near Prime)
Prime Full Doc <85% no LMI
6 months good rental conduct accepted for genuine savings (Near Prime)
Alt Doc options available for self-employed, construction loans & credit impaired
Unlimited debt consolidation for Near Prime, Near Prime Clea and Specialist (includes tax and business debt)
40-year loan terms (Near Prime and Specialist)
Can accept applications for clients with late payments and adverse credit
6 months ABN – Specialist Alt Doc
$0 Notional rent if living at home rent-free
Existing mortgages: are assessed at actual monthly repayment + 25% loading
Common debt reducer (spousal only)
ATO debt accepted for Near Prim and Specialist. Needs to be on a payment plan and expensed
Benefit income can be used for sole income for Specialist loans
Connective Advance For clients who want to purchase or refinance property for personal or business use.
Up to 80% LVR on houses and apartments in major metro areas
Up to $2 million single property in Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane (full doc and Mid Doc)
No monthly fees, no reoccurring fees or hidden margin adjustments
Owner Occupied and investment up to 30 years, 5 years Interest Only
No Cross Collateralisation, no delays or additional red tape
Self Employed with ATO debt acceptable
No Credit Scoring. Every deal is manually reviewed
Mid Doc accepts self-certified income supported by Accountants letter, last 2 BAS Statements or 6 months bank account statements, with Flat Risk fee of 0.25%
Full Doc accepts 2 payslips, group certificate or notice of assessment for PAYG or last 2 years financial statements for Self Employed
Rates are based on security purpose (Not Loan purpose)
Flexible cash out for business purpose or commercial debts (≤70% LVR up to $250K &>70% LVR up to $100K stated purpose only, proof otherwise)
Paid Defaults <$1000 accepted (Not sub prime lender)
Commercial and SMSF
Connective Advance For SMSF, individual or business clients who are looking to invest in commercial property.
Dedicated relationship manager who will workshop and package the deal with you for credit submission – You don’t have to be an expert at commercial loans
Max loan amount up to $4m, single security at 70% LVR (Full doc, Mid Doc & Commercial SMSF)
Max loan amount up to $3m, single security at 75% LVR (Full doc, Mid Doc & Commercial SMSF)
Max loan amount up to $2m, single security at 80% LVR (Full doc, Mid Doc & Commercial SMSF)
Term up to 25 years and 30 years on request
No annual review and no revaluations
WALE vs Term: No reliance on WALE
Cash out and tax debt considered
No clawback
Guarantees from directors only
No requirement for transactional banking
Commercial Full Doc: Assessed on most current year financials (2 years required)
Connective Solutions For clients who want a flexible commercial lending solution.
Commercial Prime and Near Prime Mid Doc and Full Doc
Dedicated commercial BDM who will workshop the deal with you for credit submission
Apply using AOL
Maximum loan amount $3m, single security at 75% LVR (Full doc, Mid doc & commercial SMSF)
Terms available for 1 year through to 30 years
Ten security types accepted
No annual reviews and no revaluations
Cash out and tax debt considered
Guarantees from Directors only
Directors’ defaults allowed
100% offset sub accounts
Refinance tax debts
Top Niches Guides
Up to date as of 1 November 2024
Connective Essentials Funded by Advantedge For clients who want a simple and straightforward home loan.
No minimum employment term for permanent full-time and part-time applicants - Probation accepted. 1 pay slip with 2 pay cycles
Cash out unlimited when no LMI is used - Only requires stated purpose of funds
Self-employed Directors’ wages can be verified via either of the following documents: - ATO Income Statements evidencing 6 months of income. (ABN doesn't need to be registered for 2 years); OR - Most recent ATO return. By adopting Directors Wages, 2 years of tax returns are no longer required
Most recent year income for self-employed can be used for servicing - Talk to your Essentials BDM for criteria
Simplified self-employed verification documents for trading entities. - One year of accountant-prepared annual financial statements, plus1 year of either management or accountant-prepared annual financial statements for the most recent year.
Casual and contract - 6 months employment history
Commission - 6 months in the role
Property sizes considered to 240 acres up to 80% LVR and 120 acres for LMI up to 90% LVR (Residential use only)
5% genuine savings only required when LVR > 90% + LMI
95% LVR on vacant land for owner occupied - when converted to construction loan, must be total loan at 90% LVR including LMI
Construction – Interest Only at P&I rates, no additional drawdown fees
40 square meters or greater (excluding balconies and car parking) apartments acceptable
Parental Leave - Full and part time employees who have been with their current employer for a minimum of 12 months. Funds to cover shortfall during leave must be stated.
No minimum distance from powerlines
Rental income - Reduced shading applied to rental income to 10% for new and existing rental properties - Holiday and short-term stay accepted - Shared space income acceptable
Statements not required for debts not being refinanced e.g. Credit card, and any loan statements
No annual or ongoing fees, and no construction progress payment fees
Free upfront valuations
Fixed rate lock fee only $395, regardless of loan size or LVR
Pre-approvals fully assessed
Digital mortgage documents available (complete end-to-end digital process)
Up to $10k instant redraw available
Residual tax debt considered if under an arrangement
Sole applicant with joint financials - Where a customer holds an investment property with a non-applicant, we will consider 100% of the shared rental income, 100% of the shared liability repayment and 100% of rental expenses.
Superannuation income - No requirement to confirm there has been no reduction of capital in super balance year-on-year -To verify superannuation income, you will need to provide a minimum of two most recent credits of superannuation income
Easy to use exit strategy policy all captured in compliance tabs upon lodgement
Novated Leases - Pre-tax deductions will be included as a deduction and do not need to be included in the liability repayment amount - Post tax deductions will be included in the liability repayment amount but do not need to be included as a deduction
Essential Services - Allowances and Overtime may be considered as standard PAYG Income
One fee $395 for life of the loan. No monthly, annual or post settlement fees. Applicable for Purchases, Refinances and Construction
Fixed rate lock fee only $395, regardless of loan size or LVR
Repayments calculated on balance NOT Limit. Great for cash-flow purposes
Up to $10k instant FAST REDRAW available. No minimum/maximum and no cost
Pricing simplification existing clients can receive “New to Bank” carded rates
Pre-approvals fully assessed- Valid for 90 days
Servicing based upon effective rate at time of application NOT revert rate
LVRs/Loan Limits
Minimum $30k loan account/no maximum loan amount o Owner-occupier Max 95% (inclusive of LMI) o Owner-occupier refinances Max 90% (capping LMI upto 93%) o Investor Max 90% (inclusive of LMI) o Vacant Land Max 95% (inclusive of LMI) - when converted to construction loan, must be total loan at 90% LVR including LMI o Construction Max 90% (inclusive of LMI)
Construction – Interest Only at P&I rates, no additional drawdown fees
Only lend in individual names. Company/Trust structures outside guidelines
Documentation and Tools
Digital tools like DocuSign and Digital Variations Hub available
Free upfront valuations
Loan applications tracked via dedicated platforms like MSA Loantrak
Dedicated scenario and support teams: • Where help is needed with policy clarification, brokers can email our Scenario Team at • Where help is needed with an exception to policy for a scenario outside of our guidelines, brokers can email a Credit Coach at
Connective Select Funded by Adelaide Bank For clients who want a premium home loan with broad features.
Owner-occupied or investment residential properties less than 10 hectares or 24.7 acres
High density dwellings or apartments size to 40sqm (excluding balconies, carpark and storage). Max LVR without LMI now 80%. (certain exclusions apply, talk to your BDM)
Up to 10 units on title for established dwellings. Max 65% LVR for 4+ units or dwellings on 1 title (talk to BDM for servicing requirements)
All properties must have services and minimum weather road access
Acceptable titles include: - Torrens title - Strata title - Community title - Crown leases (inc. ACT leases)
PAYG: - Full time, part time, casual, or dependant contractor. Min 6 months in job or 12 months continuous service in same industry/role - Probation acceptable subject to min. 2 years in the same industry/role
Commission and bonus payments acceptable (minimum 12 months with current employer)
Managed superannuation acceptable provided sustainable over the long-term
Self-employed: - Minimum of 1 year trading as sole trader, company, company director and/or sub-contractor - 1 year’s financials for self-employed applications that do not require LMI - Talk to BDM about supporting docs - When using company net profits only, there is no requirement to expense company liabilities - If addbacks used, company liabilities will be required for servicing
Rental income - Reduced shading applied to rental income to 10% for new and existing rental properties - Categories 1, 2 & 3 only
Short-term rental income (inc. AirBNB) acceptable if evident over a 12 month period, verified via Income Tax Returns with operating expenses to be included within the Declared Living Expenses (DLE). Income will be shaded to 90% and no rental yield cap applied.
No credit scoring
Return to work income can be used in servicing for extended leave or Mat leave. Must be returning to same employer and mitigate period of no income if monthly shortfall
Casual income verified YTD annualised over 48 weeks (or if in an education field 40 weeks)
Commission income is classified as a primary income source
Allowances confirmed over 3-month period and a permanent part of ongoing income (reimbursements not allowed)
Overtime confirmed as regular over a 6-month period 80% used
Emergency services 100% annualised over 52 weeks
Bonus must be received from same employer for 2 years and average of 2 years used in servicing. 80% shaded
Joint debt – 100% debt and 100% rental
LVRs/Loan Limits
Owner-occupied maximum LVR 95% (fixed and variable rate) - Interest only maximum LVR 90%
Residential investment maximum LVR 90% (fixed and variable rate) - Interest-only maximum LVR 90%
Maximum loan for >80% - ≤90% is capped at $1,500,000
Maximum loan size for loans >90% is capped at $750,000
Maximum loan size for loans >90% is capped at $750,000 (Location dependant, refer to max loan size table in Credit Policy)
Individual applications only (no company or trust applications)
Non-residents accepted when joint applicants with AU residency (talk to your BDM)
Credit listing: - Up to 2 Defaults (must be paid status) on a credit report completed on an individual, aggregate value Less than $1,000, paid for at least 6 months - Applicants with prior credit indiscretions, including any adverse credit history on a credit report - talk to your BDM - Undischarged bankrupts not accepted. If the applicant(s) is a discharged bankrupt, then a minimum of 3 years must have elapsed since being discharged. A letter from the trustee for Bankruptcy confirming discharge is required. Anything outside of this, refer to your BDM.
100% offset available against fixed rates as well as standard variable rates
Reduced or removed application upfront fees, currently "waiving" the application and settlement fees (valued at $498) for new business for standard owner-occupied P&I sub 80% LVR only (variable and fixed rates)
Fixed rate is locked in once formally approved - no rate lock fee
Digi docs for settlements
No annual fees
First valuation fee expense is free and or where multiple securities valued in single application - highest valuation expense is waived
Competitive "cash out" parameters to access property equity: - Any loan with LMI - Maximum cash out $100,000. The LMI providers requirements must also be met. - < $500,000 and < 80% LVR - Submission commentary only - > $500,000 and < 80% LVR - Submission commentary and supporting verifications to demonstrate intended use of funds.
Connective Elevate Funded by Bluestone For clients who want flexible home loan options, from prime through to specialist.
Bonus and commission at 100% for 12 months history in Near Prime or 24 months for Prime
Clawback period reduced to 6 months on all Prime Alt Doc, Near Prime, Specialist and Specialist + home loan deals settled from 1st April 2024
No age limit for kids in Near Prime for Family Tax A&B and child support / maintenance income
Airbnb and holiday rental income is shaded to 80% and only require 3 months statements for confirmation
Rental income verification reduced to 1 month’s evidence - if the property is rented via a managing agent – 3 months consistent credits for private rental
100% of car allowance accepted as income on all product types
Overtime shading increased to 80% for Prime loans - If regular for 6 months or condition of employment – 100% used
Non-Prime - overtime and allowances - 100% used
Flexibility with late & overlimit payments on unsecured debts being refinanced on Near Prime loans
Up to 3 months mortgage arrears considered in the last 6 months
Unlimited debt consolidation in all products, including business debts (ATO Tax Debt not available in Prime)
Tax deductions (Gearing) allowed on company / trust borrower applications
Investor servicing: • Gearing calculated using actual interest rate of investment loan (existing & future) • Accept sole source of income as rent for Professional Investors with no DTI and generous OFI calculation of actual rate, plus servicing buffer over new Connective Elevate loan term e.g. 30 years
1.5% buffer for Prime and Near Prime up to 70% LVR; 2% on all other products and LVRs
HEM is calculated on total income after gearing applied. Insurances, childcare, investment property costs are inclusive in HEM. No personal statements required
ATO debts can be included in servicing if client wants payment plan to remain or paid out - max owing $200,000 for Near Prime
Market leading 24–48-hour credit assessment from submission for all applications including SMSF and pre-approvals (fully assessed)
Personal bank statements requirement removed for all loans
LVRs/Loan limits
Maximum loan amount $3m for metro areas and $2m for non-metro
Up to 90% LVR - Owner Occupied and Investor
Up to 85% LVR for Specialist and 80% LVR for Specialist+ loans (check postcode locator)
No LMI on any loans - risk fee applies for some products and LVRs
Unlimited cash out on all products - evidence of purpose required over $200k or where 50% of valuation exceeded ($200k max >80% LVR on Specialist)
Unlimited business debt including ATO debt into owner occupied & investment securities (rates based on security type not purpose – Near Prime if Tax Debt)
Will accept 12 months tax returns for Near Prime Full Doc product Refinance
No company liabilities in servicing but will accept 100% Net Profit, 100% Director's salary and add backs - depreciation capped at 50% on the total NetProfit
Self-employed Alt Doc requires 1 form of verification only – either Accountants Letter or 6 months BAS or 6 months Bank statements
Free upfront valuations up to $440 value for SMSF and Residential loans
AVM's acceptable up to 80% LVR – restrictions apply
Vacant land is an acceptable secondary security - max loan $1.5m / 70% LVR across two securities. Land value can’t exceed 50% of the total security value.
Can accept high density apartments up to 90% LVR for existing units or 80% LVR for new units (only in buildings with 4+ stories and less than 3 years old)
Desktop valuations acceptable up to 80% LVR – restrictions apply
Connective Solutions Funded by PepperMoney For clients who want a tailored solution as they may not fit typical lending criteria.
Alt Doc purchases increased from 85% to 90% LVR - For Prime and Near-Prime Clear credit profile clients only - Purchase transactions only - 5% genuine savings or 6 months rental history in Lieu - 24 months ABN and 12 months GST registration (where applicable) - P&I repayments only - NSR >1.25x - All existing Alt Doc procedures to otherwise apply
Full doc refinances up to 95% LVR - No Defaults or Judgements > $1000 (also no bankruptcy listings) - No negative RHI for most recent 6 months on mortgages, 3 months on non-mortgages - Proposed repayments must be less than the current aggregate repayments on the debts being refinanced - Post settlement consumer debt should not exceed one credit card or $20,000 - Maximum Interest Only term of 1 year acceptable to allow clients to rebuild their finances - NSR > 1.35x - No cash out (except to complete the purchase of another real estate property verified with contract of sale)1.35x
Accountant Declaration in isolation up to $2.5m - For Prime, Near-Prime Clear and Near-Prime credit profile clients only - Unlimited cash out by acceptable stated purpose - 24 months ABN and 12 months GST required - All existing Alt Doc procedures to otherwise apply
Jumbo Loans: Increased loan sized up to $5m - Self-employed full doc - 2 years full financials required - Alt doc - 6 months BAS or 6 months BBS required - No Defaults or judgements >$1000 (also no bankruptcy listings) - Clear RHI for the most recent 6 months on mortgages, and 3 on non-mortgages - Unlimited cash out by acceptable stated purpose - NSR >1.25x
Dedicated Credit Manager for exceptions talk to your Connective Solutions BDM
Up to age 85 for loan to end – subject to exit strategy
5% genuine savings can now be verified with 3 months bank statements, or 3 months rental history on Prime.
Units are accepted as security for home loans with a minimum internal floor size of 40sqm
All permanent VISA’s plus the following pathway Visa’s - 309, 475, 489, 491, 494, 820 accepted on all products
ATO debts accepted to be on going on Near Prime & Specialist - (Previously had to be paid out)
Late payments and adverse credit
Foster income accepted to offset expense of foster children
Maternity leave policy improvements - talk to your Solutions BDM
No credit scoring, or DTI assessment completed
Cash out up to 90% - Unlimited cash out to 80% LVR (Prime) - Including business purpose (Near Prime)
Up to 95% LVR – for owner occupied and construction
Prime full doc < 85% no LMI for owner occupied
No minimum timeframe for FT and PT employed (not on prime)
Refinance of business debt, solicitor finance and ATO debt
1 day discharged bankrupts acceptable
Alt doc options available for self-employed, construction loans & credit impaired
Unlimited debt consolidation for Near Prime, Near Prime clear and Specialist (includes tax and business debt)
40-year loan terms (Near Prime and Specialist)
Can accept applications for clients with late payments and adverse credit
Self-employed from 6 months ABN
$0 notional rent if living at home rent-free
Existing mortgages: are assessed at actual monthly repayment +25% loading
Common debt reducer (spousal only)
ATO debt accepted for Near Prime and Specialist. Needs to be on a payment plan and expensed
Benefit income can be used for sole income for Specialist loans
Self-employed clients can now use financial statements only for income verification – 1yrs on near prime clear and 2yrs on all other products.
Connective Advance Funded by ThinkTank For clients who want to purchase or refinance property for personal or business use.
Up to 80% LVR on houses and apartments in major metro areas - Up to $2.5 million single property in Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane (full doc and mid doc)
No risk fee, no monthly fees, no annual or reoccurring fees, no Rent Cap, no notional rent and no max DTI
Owner occupied and investment up to 30 years - 5 years interest only
No credit scoring - every deal is manually reviewed
Mid doc requires self-certified income supported by any of the following: an Accountants’ letter, last 2 quarter BAS, 6 months bank account statements - Can consider under mid doc - last 1-year financials OR 1 year tax return and notice of assessment (discount available)
Full doc requires 2 payslips, group certificate or notice of assessment for PAYG or last 2 years financial statements ITR & financial statements for self employed applicants (use most recent year in isolation for servicing)
3-month ABN acceptable if 2 years of continuous industry experience/skillset can be provided
Rates are based on security purpose (Not loan purpose)
Flexible cash out for any viable reason, including for business purpose or comemrcial debts (up to 80% LVR)
Rent shaded by 20% includes all running costs and vacancies
Refinance any debt that can be proved, i.e. business debts, ATO debts and private loans with unlimited debt consolidation
Rates are based on security purpose (not loan purpose)
Mid Doc requires self-certified income supported by any ONE of the following: • an Accountants’ letter, last 2 quarter BAS, or 6 months bank account statements • Can consider under Mid Doc - last 1-year financials OR 1 year tax return and notice of assessment (discount available)
Full Doc requires 2 payslips, group certificate or notice of assessment for PAYG or last 2 years financial statements ITR & financial statements for self-employed applicants (use most recent year in isolation for servicing)
Rent shaded by 20% includes all running costs and vacancies
No Rent Cap, no notional rent and no max DTI
LVRs/Loan Limits
Can consider $2M single security at 80% LVR on houses and apartments in major metro areas • Up to $3.5M single security at 65% property in Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane (Full Doc and Mid Doc) • Up to $5M single security at 75% in Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane, $4m in Perth & Adelaide
Owner occupied and investment up to 30 years - 5 years interest only
3-month ABN acceptable if 2 years of continuous industry experience/skillset can be provided
No risk fee, no monthly fees, no annual or reoccurring fees
Flexible cash out for any viable reason, including for business purpose or commercial debts (up to 80% LVR)
Refinance any debt that can be proven, i.e. business debts, ATO debts and private loans with unlimited debt consolidation
Favourable purchases are considered with related party transactions
No credit scoring - every deal is manually reviewed
Connective Bridge Funded by Bridgit For clients who want a simple, flexible and accessible bridging loan to buy now, sell later.
Loan to Value ratio up to 80%.
Single security bridging loan options available.
No monthly repayments are required.
Borrow 100% of the purchase price plus stamp duty, legal fees and fees associated with the settlement.
Conditional Approvals are issued without supporting documents upfront.
For no-end debt applications, income verification is not required.
Cash out available for cosmetic improvements, personal investments or personal use (equity release).
1-month statements for refinance loans if clear conduct on the credit report.
Living expenses as per declaration and compared to HEM.
Direct access to experienced Credit Analyst completing full assessment - no auto decline.
No shading of outgoing property value if there is a Contract of Sale in place.
Supporting documents are not required up front, assessment complete based on application details.
Commercial and SMSF
Connective Advance Funded by ThinkTank For SMSF, individual or business clients who are looking to invest in commercial property.
Dedicated relationship manager who will workshop and package the deal with you for credit submission – You don’t have to be an expert at commercial loans
Max loan amount up to $4m, single security at 70% LVR (Full doc, mid doc & commercial SMSF)
Max loan amount up to $3m, single security at 75% LVR (Full doc, mid doc & Commercial SMSF)
Max loan amount up to $2m, single security at 80% LVR (Full doc, mid doc & commercial SMSF)
Term up to 25 years and 30 years on request
Commercial full doc & mid doc – ABN 3 months + can be considered (provided 2 years industry experience can be demonstrated)
WALE vs Term: No reliance on WALE
Stated purpose cash out up to 80% LVR and tax debt considered
No clawback
Guarantees from directors only
No requirement for transactional banking
Commercial full doc: Assessed on most current year financials (2 years required)
Commercial mid doc: self-certified income supported by BAS or bank statement or accountants' letter or 1 year financials/tax return (discount applies if both financial & tax return provided)
No annual review and no revaluations
Connective Elevate Funded by Bluestone For clients who want an SMSF residential loan with a simple set up and ongoing support.
Residential SMSF - Servicing outside of fund available including self-employed with no history of additional contributions
Market leading 24-48 hour credit assessment from submission for all applications including SMSF and pre-approvals (fully assessed)
Fully integrated with ApplyOnline
Streamlined application process when there is a history of concessional contributions
Servicing outside of fund available including self-employed with no history of additional contributions
Borrow up to $1.5m and up to 80% LVR
Free upfront valuations up to $440 value - SMSF and Residential loans
Suited to corporate trustees with up to 6 SMSF members
For new purchases and refinances
Principal & interest and interest only terms up to 30 years
Accept existing and newly established funds
Requires a net asset position of at least $200,000
Requires nil liquidity in the fund after purchase/refinance
Focus on developing brokers in SMSF lending foster a learning culture with access to a SMSF expert through your BDM
Connective Solutions Funded by PepperMoney For clients who want a flexible commercial lending solution.
Maximum loan amount $5m
Maximum LVR at 80% for both Full Doc and Alt Doc solutions
Terms available for 1 year through to 30 years with option of 5 years interest only and no rate loading applied to commercial solutions
Commercial Prime and Near Prime alt doc and full doc solutions
Prime Alt Doc now only needs ONE form of income verification from either 6 months BAS OR 6 months business bank statements OR Accountant Letter
Dedicated BDM who will workshop the deal with you for credit submission
Market leading SLA – Conditional approval issued within 3 days for loan sizes up to $1.5M or 5 days for loan sizes greater than $1.5M
Apply via Mercury
No annual reviews and no revaluations subject to repayments met on time
1 years tax return verification for Near Prime Full doc
Flexible Cash Out options
Directors’ defaults allowed
100% offset sub accounts and redraw
Refinance tax debts & debt consolidation
Generous servicing calculator
Accountant’s letter accepted up to $3m
Boarding Houses / Rooming Houses, NDIS, Student Accommodation and Child Care are acceptable security
Debt consolidation, ATO debt and historical credit events
Upfront and Trail with No clawback
Maximum loan amount $3m for both Residential & Commercial securities
2 Day SLA
Maximum LVR at 80% for Residential security and 75% LVR forcommercial security
Terms available from 1 year through to 30 years with option of 5years interest only and no rate loading applied
Prime and Near Prime options available for members/directors with any historical credit events
No Liquidity test
No Clawbacks
Dedicated BDM who will workshop the deal with you for credit submission
Apply via Mercury
Boarding House acceptable security for Commercial SMSF